Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Welcome Reese Elizabeth

It feels so good to be back in the blog world!!

I about died laughing when I saw the date of my last post. Ha. I was well into my third trimester and miserable! It was hard enough making it through the day with a toddler, let alone blogging. And who am I kidding, I wasn't doing any meal planning...heck I was hardly even cooking!

I had my first baby 5 weeks early, so I had no doubt in my mind, I'd go early with #2 as well. (insert laughing here!) Every week that went by seemed like a month. My due date of January 8th came and went. I feel so bad for my husband and daughter...I was MISERABLE and probably unbearable to live with!

I was beginning to think #2 was never coming! My husband and I found out the gender, but decided to keep it a secret from everyone else. I was so over that! Come on baby! Finally, showing up fashionably 5 days late, Reese Elizabeth was born! Weighing in at 7 pounds 10 ounces and 20 inches long!

hi. i'm reese!

 It is so much fun being a family of four. God has blessed us in so many ways. I often can't believe that God chose ME to be Mommy to Lenna and Reese!

Lenna gets the Big Sister award for adjusting like a champ. She has been such a big helper and gives Reese more kisses than one can count!

 Adjusting to 2 kiddos has been a task! We're starting to get on a decent schedule. Big props to my hubby for helping me get everyone out of the house when we need to go some where!

We are just eating this precious little peanut up! I'm excited to slowly getting back into full blown meal planning. For now, I'm using up those oh so helpful freezer meals and easy 5 minute meals!

Just a few more because I can't help myself!!


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