Monday, November 11, 2013

meal plan monday

Let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow.

I'm enjoying this beautiful snowfall...I'm one of the few who actually LOVE winter :)

I'm spending this cold and blustery evening with this adorable munchkin who's obsessed with babies and kisses! A perfect combination for a soon-to-be big sister!

Here's what's for dinner in our house the next two weeks! Just a note...don't be afraid to plan on having left-overs! Our family loves left-overs. We use them for lunches and easy supper nights!
Don't forget to adapt the grocery list to meet your family's needs!

Happy Meal Planning!

Friday, November 8, 2013

help me find it

Don’t you just love those moments when you hear something you so desperately needed to hear!

Recently, I was driving home from the grocery store…alone…doesn’t happen often…and the song, Help Me Find It, by Sidewalk Prophets came on the radio. I was immediately drawn into worship!

Take a minute and listen to the song if you haven’t heard it before! It’s great! (Side note: if there is a commercial for the "Plan B" contraceptive before the video...please know I do not support or agree with this product at all). 

 Did you just have a great worship experience or what?!? :)

In my own walk with Christ, I’ve often viewed finding God’s will as a daunting, intimidating, and overwhelming task. That’s all a result of my sinful pride getting in the way, thinking that I need to find His will on my own.  How the heck am I supposed to know what God’s will for my life is? Am I the only one who’s struggled with this? :)

This song was the reminder that I needed…that I don’t have to seek God’s will on my own. He will help me find it, if I trust in Him. 

I love the line- “You’ve never failed before!” PRAISE GOD!! Isn’t that the best thing you’ve ever heard?! I’m sure you’re thinking…duh Debi, of course God hasn’t failed…but that reminder just nailed my heart! Why would I trust myself, the failure, when our perfect unfailing Creator is willing to guide us!

I love the chorus – 
“If there’s a road I should walk, Help me find it.
 If I need to be still, give me peace for the moment.
Whatever Your will
Whatever Your will
Can You help me find it?”

I don’t know if it’s the go-getter personality I have, but I typically assume when I’m seeking God’s will, I need to be DOING something. This chorus reminds me that there will be times when I should be active, and times when I need to be still.

I hope you’re blessed by this song!

Thank you Jesus for sending this gentle reminder.  Help me to trust in you, even when it hurts, help me wait for you. Thank you for your grace.